Core Team

Terra Firma Marketing > Core Team

Our Core Team

Our core team is made up of skilled and committed practitioners with many years of experience.

Together with our contractors we form a formidable team servicing our clients.

Our team has one goal in mind and that is to help our clients’ businesses grow.

Team page - Skipper - Werner


The Skipper
Team page - Christelle


Copy Queen
Team Page - Johann


Web Wizzard
Team page - Juan


Content King

Werner started Terra Firma in 2005. From his background in project management and sales the business focused on events management, marketing and sponsorship procurement. 

Today he is leading the agency’s progression into the digital space where Terra Firma positioned itself as a boutique marketing agency focused on growing their client’s businesses with them.

Christelle  holds an honors degree in Communication and oversee all things ‘copy’ from scriptwriting to blogs and website copy to advertising text.

Her passion for writing has seen her complete a variety of scripts and E-books.

Christelle is also an award-winning professional photographer that has presented many international workshops.

Johann brings more than a decade’s experience in website design to the table.

With numerous website projects completed our client’s websites are in good hands.

Johann tackles each web project with an holistic approach between front-end user brand experience and back-end functionality to deliver excellent results time and time, again.


Jayson leads content creation and understand what it takes to create engaging content for a variety of platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok and more.

To do this one needs to understand business and branding and that is what makes Jayson stand out whilst planning and leading content projects for a variety of our clients.